sketching: smartphone app adaption


28.10 – bis seite 34 lesen. führe methode 1-3 an einer (ungewöhnlichen) smart phone software durch, die du öfters mal verwendest.
method 1 – min 4 sketches von demselben screen
method 2 – min 2 sketches von verschiedenen videos
method 3 – 1 sketch von einem anderen video.
Method 1
Open up an application of your choice on your computer. Giving yourself 30 seconds or less, try to capture the essence of an idea as a scribble sketch. Then repeat this, where you create new scribble sketches that capture different ideas in an application. Now try this again with different – perhaps unfamiliar – applications.
Method 2
Search YouTube or other sites for videos of innovative interfaces. As you are watching them, scribble sketch as many ideas that capture your interest without pausing the video. This will force you to sketch very quickly, i.e., as soon as you see an idea.
Method 3
Redo Method 2, but this time don’t look at your drawing while you are sketching. The trick is not to move your hand around that much while scribbling, otherwise your lines will not be in the right place. It takes a bit of practice, but you will be surprised how recognizable things are, at least to you.


Sketches using method 1 on the app: theScore Esports


theScore Esports is an android app showing eSports Data (game stats, etc.). My approach was to first sketch the Layout, then have the focus on menu and then on Content. Finally i tried to draw an abstract layout, trying just to remember what controls are at which positions.


Screenshot of the app


Sketches with detail to Layout, Menu, Content and an abstract layout schema

[4 Sketches and explanation]

Sketches using method 2 on the youtube video
Samsung Gear S2 user interface – Hands on at IFA 2015


The first video explains the input methods of the samsung gear s2 smartwatch. A wheel on the left side controls the switching of apps, windows, etc.

Sketches using method 2 on the youtube video
Expanding the Input Expressivity of Smartwatches with Mechanical Pan, Twist, Tilt, and Click


The second video is about a watch, that has several input methods. By panning, twisting, tilting and clicking the user can perform multiple inputs at once.

Sketches using method 3 on the yotube video
Toffee: Enabling Ad Hoc, Around-Device Interaction with Acoustic Time-of-Arrival Correlation

The third video was difficult to sketch without looking. It’s about a system, that is able to recognize from which direction sound is incoming. Because it’s always about a smartphone/tablet/pc and a user tapping somewhere else to make sound, it was difficult to keep relation between these two. The last sketch on the bottom of the paper should demonstrate a game, where the center shoots at enemies and the direction is controlled by tapping in the correct direction. Since i was completely off the shooting line when drawing the tap, the sketch doesn’t make much sense.


sketching without looking

I also tried the same video with looking at the paper. The result is much better.


another try with looking on the paper

Reflection 28.10.2015

Drawing without being able to look at what i am drawing is difficult. At my stage of skill, i would always go over the sketches when i have the time afterwards. Otherwise i would not expect them to make much sense to me when looking at them one week later. Comparing it to the second try (with looking), i think i will know what the idea was in the video.