Lesson 2: Conceptual Model & System Image

2.1. Chinese Puzzle Pot – How does it work?


2.2. Find a good conceptual model

The process of football training


2.3. Example of a good System Image


Backpacks, and especially zippers

Zippers are easy to use, the functionality is clear within a second, you can’t use it in the wrong way. The backpack is a product that relies on that functionality. No designer will be needed to explain how zippers or (traditional) backpacks work.

2.4. Conceptual Model of Home Heating System

The thermostat should be set to the desired temperature. Setting it higher is on the one hand strange because the system does not have information about the preferred temperature. On the other hand it involves a second operation of turning off the heating-operation when the desired heat is reached. A better solution would be an eco-heating-option, where the heat is reached without using too much energy. Otherwise the temperature will be reached as soon as possible.

2.5. Fix the faulty System Image for the Home Heating System


2.6. Wrong System Image


This is my personal remote control and i find it very useful. But it represents also a good example for a wrong system image. The control is not self-explanatory, the functions are often hidden. To execute specific functions, buttons have to be pressed in order. The program the control, a software must be downloaded and used, which has to be known. Most people will at least have to throw a glance at the manual.

2.7. Project 2 – Build a box


The box has a Donkey on it as an eyecatcher. The question mark combined with the direction markers indicate that the user will find something following the arrows. The adhesive tape holds the box closed and the starting point of the tape is again glued with duct tape and glue (so the top can’t be pulled of and the user has to follow the arrows).

  • Grab it: Eyecatcher, Question mark
  • Rub it: tapes. Duct tape
  • Turn it: Arrows

The bottom tape can easily be pulled of and the box can be opened.


2.8. Project 2 – Evaluation

  • Stop to look at it? YES
  • Grab it? YES
  • Pick it up? YES
  • Turn it? YES
  • Rub it? YES

I would improve the eyecatcher. It worked because i put it in our flat, where something unusual is soon realized. If i would put it outside, i think noone will grab it. Next time i would make it look more like a present or put flashing lights on it. The feedback also stated that the orange-red color of the box helped that the box was instantly recognized. Otherwise i wouldn’t change much because it worked really well. The downside was that the user’s interest was soon gone, because the users opened the box fast and from then on the box didn’t offer anything else.